8 Tips For Getting Better Customer Service

Getting useful customer service can sometimes be time-consuming and frustrating. Here are 8 tips for getting better and faster customer service:

1. When Available – Use Self Service

Using self-service zones, which provide answers for most of the common issues customers are facing daily, can help you solve your issue, without wasting your time on long waiting times for a human response.

2. Talk Or Chat With A Real Person

Customer service representatives usually do much better work than customer service bots.

Whenever possible – prefer talking or chatting to a real person.

3. Contact Customer Service In The Morning

The best time to contact customer service is usually in the morning, between 7 am and 12 pm.

The worse time to contact customer service is in the afternoon, between 4 pm and 8 pm.

4. Avoid Calling On Monday

Monday, the first day after the weekend, is usually the busiest day on call centers, and waiting times are longer.

Whenever possible – try calling on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

5. Be Prepared

Gather all necessary documentation or data needed for the call beforehand, enabling faster and more efficient service.

6. Be Kind But Assertive

In most cases, being kind and assertive will result in getting a more helpful customer service representative.

7. If Needed – Talk with a manager

Customer support by customer support representatives can only go some distance.

If you feel that the help you are getting is limited – ask to speak with a manager.

8. Say Thank You

Don’t forget that customer service is usually provided by human beings, and a little thank you can make someone’s day a bit better. Yours too…